Advanced Undergraduate and Graduate Engineering Module


Briefing Material
Project Summary
Learning Modules
Freshman Level Biofuels Module
Advanced Undergraduate and Graduate Engineering Module
Video Presentations
Alternative Feedstocks For Biofuels - Full Movie (32 min)
Alternative Feedstocks For Biofuels - Chapter Clips
Alternative Feedstocks For Biofuels - Webisodes
Final Report
Report Link




Educational materials for upper division engineering students were developed based on this project.  These materials were used in an engineering elective titled "Design for the Environment," which has an annual enrollment of 40-75 students.  A lecture sequence on the life cycles of biofuels was developed.  The lectures address (1) life cycle assessments, (2) life cycle assessments of fuels, and (3) the life cycle of biofuels.  The materials include PowerPoint slides, sample discussion question/paper assignments and background readings.


UT EPA BioFuels Module II